Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well we bought our new home :-)

Looking for houses is a royal pain lol.we found one we really liked but they wouldn't come down in price.......so we kept looking. Yesterday their realtor called ours and asked if we were still interested and we said YES YES lol .They had dropped down a total of 24 thou :-) So papers were signed, we put a deposit on it so they couldn't change their minds again and we can move in May 7th .............Am I one happy camper lol.My friend and I have gotten a lot packed in the last couple days. Dining room, Living room, movies and stuff from spared bedroom are all done and its just the kitchen, office and our bedroom to do and then the garage :-)Have a great day, I sure am :-)

1 comment:

OnefeatherGraphics said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You must be so very excited! Please pack slowly though ..You'll be too worn out to enjoy your new home otherwise *grynz* and hugs